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I Ristoranti

Pulcinella Restaurant

Our restaurant could only be dedicated to Pulcinella, the mask that in the world  is ambassador of the excellent Neapolitan cuisine

“Cafiero Terrace”: our Lounge on the Pool

In a unique setting overlooking the sea, guests can enjoy the express preparations made by our chefs in the “open” kitchen

Flavors of Sea and Land

Our restaurant could only be dedicated to Pulcinella, the ancient theatrical mask that is ambassador in the world of the excellent Neapolitan cuisine…
…In a unique setting overlooking the sea, guests can enjoy the express preparations made by our chefs in the “open” kitchen on our “Cafiero Terrace”

Pulcinella Reastaurant

Our restaurant could only be dedicated to Pulcinella, the mask that in the world  is ambassador of the excellent Neapolitan cuisine

"Cafiero Terrace": our Lounge on the Pool

…In a unique setting overlooking the sea, guests can enjoy the express preparations made by our chefs in the “open” kitchen on our “Cafiero Terrace”

Pulcinella Restaurant

Our restaurant could only be dedicated to Pulcinella, the ancient theatrical mask that is ambassador in the world of the excellent Neapolitan cuisine…

"Cafiero Terrace": our Lounge on the Pool

…In a unique setting overlooking the sea, guests can enjoy the express preparations made by our chefs in the “open” kitchen on our “Cafiero Terrace”

Siamo attenti alle intolleranze alimentari

Nel nostro Buffet o durante i tuoi pasti, troverai tutti i prodotti dedicati a chi soffre di intolleranze, ben in vista ed etichettati. Ampia scelta anche per i Vegetariani.

Gluten Free

Prodotti senza glutine e grande attenzione alle direttive culinarie del regime dietetico celiaco senza trascurare però il gusto ed il piacere della buona tavola.

Siamo attenti alle intolleranze alimentari

Nel nostro Buffet o durante i tuoi pasti, troverai tutti i prodotti dedicati a chi soffre di intolleranze, ben in vista ed etichettati. Ampia scelta anche per i Vegetariani.

Gluten Free

Prodotti senza glutine e grande attenzione alle direttive culinarie del regime dietetico celiaco senza trascurare però il gusto ed il piacere della buona tavola.
